#AndyWarhol makes a big pop at #ArtBasel Miami Beach 2011 - #abmb @MiamiHerald @bassmuseum


The King of Pop is back. No, not Michael Jackson — Andy Warhol. The white-wigged godfather of pop art and celebrity culture, who passed away in 1987, is the subject of three exhibits and an influence on two others at various events around Art Basel Miami Beach.

On tap this week is a screening of San Diego Surf, a-never-before-released film shot by Warhol and Paul Morrissey in 1968, at a VIP party at The Standard Spa on Thursday, sponsored by Interview Magazine, the publication launched by Warhol.


@AdamLindemann: "#Occupy #ArtBasel Miami Beach, Now!" in @newyorkobserver #sneakpreview #abmb

Occupy Art Basel Miami Beach, Now!

I’m not going to Art Basel Miami Beach this year. I’m through with it, basta. It’s become a bit embarrassing, in fact, because why should I be seen rubbing elbows with all those phonies and scenesters, people who don’t even pretend they are remotely interested in art?

And so, here it is, in print, just so no one has to ask me again.

#ArtBasel Miami Beach and Related Events in @miamiherald #SneakPreview #ABMB @bassmuseum #art

ART BASEL MIAMI BEACH Events & Related Fairs

Noon - 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday; noon - 6 p.m. Sunday. Miami Beach Convention Center, 1901 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach. One-day ticket $40 (students and seniors, $23); run of fair pass $85; evening ticket (valid from 4 p.m.), $28. www.artbasel.com.

For Related Fairs....

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/11/29/2523317/art-basel-miami-beach-and-related.html##ixzz1fCqIF4Cx

#Sneakpreview #abmb - #NudePigArtist to Class Up #ArtBasel Miami Beach in @artinfodotcom

Miru Kim's "NY 1" from the series "The Pig That Therefore I Am"


Published: November 23, 2011

Days of Swine and Poses: Artist Miru Kim caused a bit of a stir at Chelsea's Doosan Gallery earlier this year when she displayed photographs of herself crawling nude amid a herd of pigs, but that's nothing compared to the attention she's going to get next week when she recreates the work at Art Basel Miami Beach… live. Inspired by French philosophy, the artist says she's ready to jump back in the pen. After all, she's taken the worst the pigs can dish out. "Once, when I was focused on getting into position, one chomped down on my butt, which made me jump and run," she recalls. "It was very strange to have teeth marks and bruises there." Call her Francesca Bacon. [Societe Perrier]